Kothari Hospital


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Fixation systems for fracture

What is Fracture Fixation?

When a bone is broken (or fractured), the obvious goal is to mend the pieces so that the bone will be aligned with full integrity once again. While we usually refer to this procedure as “re-setting” the bone, the medically correct term used to describe this is a “reduction” for fracture fixation.

An Overview of Fracture Fixation

Fractures can be treated conservatively or with external and internal fixation. Conservative fracture treatment consists of closed reduction to restore the bone alignment. Subsequent stabilization is then achieved with traction or external splinting by slings, splints, or casts. Braces are used to limit range of motion of a joint. External fixators provide fracture fixation based on the principle of splinting.

Types of Fracture Fixation

We are all probably most familiar with splints and casts to temporarily immobilize the broken bone and allow the body to heal itself. But did you know the medical term for casts and splints is termed “closed” fracture fixation? There are three basic types of external fixators: standard uniplanar fixator, ring fixator, hybrid fixator. These are all similar to each other in terms of appearance, appearing as metal structures outside the body surrounding the leg or arm protecting the fracture.